How to Care for Someone With AIDS at Home

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a set of symptoms and infections resulting from the damage to the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This condition progressively reduces the effectiveness of the immune system and leaves individuals susceptible to opportunistic infections and tumors.

Caring for someone with AIDS at home can prove to be a challenge to anyone. However, if you follow the steps contained in this how-to article, you should find it easier to care for someone diagnosed with AIDS.
1. ) First, read this how-to.
The information in this how-to is for both people with diagnosed AIDS and people with HIV infection who are sick and need care.

2.) Take a home care course, if possible.
Learn the skills you need to take care of someone at home and how to manage special situations.
Your local Red Cross chapter, Visiting Nurses Association, State health department, or HIV/AIDS service organization can help you find a home care course.

3.) Talk with the person you will be caring for.
Ask them what they need. If you are nervous about caring for them, say so. #* Ask if it is OK for you to talk to their doctor, nurse, social worker, case manager, other health care professional, or lawyer when you need to. Together you can work out what is best for both of you.

4.) Talk with the doctor, nurse, social worker, case manager, and other health care workers who are also providing care.
They may need the patient's permission, sometimes in writing, to talk to you, but you need to talk to these people to find out how you can help.
Work with them and the person you are caring for to develop a plan for who does what.

5.) Talk to a lawyer or AIDS support organization.
For some medical care or life support decisions, you may need to be legally named as the care coordinator.
If you are going to help file insurance claims, apply for government aid, pay bills, or handle other business for the person with AIDS, you may also need a power of attorney.
There are many sources of help for people with AIDS, and you can help the person with AIDS get what they are entitled to.

6.) Think about joining a support group or talking to a counselor. Taking care of someone who is sick can be hard emotionally as well as physically.
Talking about it with people with the same kind of worries helps sometimes. You can learn how other people cope and realize that you are not alone.

7.) Take care of yourself.< You can't take care of someone else if you are sick or upset. Get the rest and exercise you need to keep going. You also need to do some things you enjoy, such as visit your friends and relatives. Many AIDS service organizations can help with "respite care" and send someone to be with the person you're caring for while you get out of the house for awhile.

- Get clear, written information about medicines and other care you'll give.
- Ask what each drug does and what side effects to look out for. Ask the doctor or nurse what changes in the person's health or behavior to watch for. For example, a cough, fever, diarrhea, or confusion may mean an infection or problem that needs a new medicine or even putting the person in the hospital.
- You also need to know whom to call for help or information and when to call them. Make a list of doctors, nurses, and other people you might need to talk to quickly, their phone numbers, and when they are available. Keep this list by the phone.

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Care for Someone With AIDS at Home. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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