Could the H1N1 Swine Flu Kill a 100 Million People?

By Lance Winslow

The Mexico City Swine Flu is a highly dangerous challenge for humanity in that it is a re-combined virus made up of many strains that affects multiple species including pigs, birds and humans. But the chances of European, Asian bird and swine flu combining are, well, like 1/10 Th of 1 percent chance in nature. In other words this one might be human engineered.

Was this Swine Flu virus genetically engineered by human scientists? Who would do such a thing and why? Is it possible that this is something of a test by bio-weapons scientists? It is known and highly documented in the human record, including on Wikipedia that: "Swine flu, dubbed Spanish flu, killed 50 million people worldwide in 1918."

This is a rather strange virus, and very curious, and one wouldn't have to be a bio-weapons expert or former Russian advanced bi-weapons scientist to figure that it is most likely not natural occurring. Further it should be noted that this strain and outbreak could turn into one of the worst, if not the worst ever human pandemic. Could the Mexico City H1N1 Swine Flu kill a 100 Million People? Unfortunately yes, in fact, maybe more.

It so far appears that the virus is 10% to 15% deadly and that healthy adults are the most likely to die from it, not very young or very old that are most at risk of influenza. Since the virus has already traveled to major US Cities, one has to ask if it is too late to control. Is it that bad? Well it could be, quarantine is one way, another is zone defense, it could shut down civilization and society for a while it runs its course.

Yes, it is that serious, so think on this, because even if this one blows over, another could wipe out huge numbers of people and change the World we live in forever. Think on that.

Lance Winslow enjoys community philanthropy - Lance Winslow likes small business. Lance Winslow has also been involved in the Oil Industry;

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Do You Know How to Take Care of Aging Skin?

By Ingrid Palmer

Care of Aging Skin can seem impossible sometimes. You wonder if there is any hope of ever having healthy skin ever again. Don't worry too much about it , your aging skin can indeed become healthy again. You just need to know what to do from this moment on to get your skin back to good health.

There are few tips I am going to give to you to help you start taking care of your skin:

1. Drink plenty of water. Water helps your skin to stay hydrated so it can be properly moisturized. When your skin is not properly hydrated it seem almost impossible to keep it moist.

2. Get enough sleep - Getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night. This will help you to look rested and you won't have any dark circles or bags under your eyes.

3. Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and lots of fruits. Try to incorporate a healthy eating habit into your daily routine.

4. Quit smoking. If you smoke try to quit or at least cut down the number of cigarettes you smoke each day. Cut down until you gradually stop.

5. Avoid too much sun. Too much exposure to the sun can be very damaging for your skin. The UV rays of the sun can make your skin wrinkly, leathery, dry, you will get age spots. To much sun is definitely bad for your skin.

With the above tips to help get you started on the road to healthy skin you should be able to incorporate most of the above into you busy schedule. However care of aging skin also need some type of product that will help your skin become replenished with the necessary nutrients that are necessary.

You should be using products that will help your body produce collagen and elastin. You know skin health begins with the body's natural production of collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are what causes your skin to be firm and elastic. Using a product that contain collagen and elastin will not work, because collagen and elastin's molecules are too large the cannot be absorbed into the skin. So you have to be able to produce these two necessary proteins naturally.

Care of aging skin can be achieved if you use ingredients that contain the following ingredients. These ingredients are extracted from natural sources, some of them are good enough to be eaten therefore you know they will not harm your skin and there will be no side effects.

Ingredients such as: Cynergy TK, Phytessence Wakame, Nano Lipobelle HEQ10, Active Manuka Honey, Natural Vitamin E, Grapeseed Oil, Olivem 800 and so many other great natural ingredients.

Care of Aging skin has now become so easy with the manufacture of products that were specially formulated to rejuvenate and replenish your skin giving it back the health and life it once had before.

To learn more about care of aging skin using the best products, visit my website.

Ingrid Palmer has been using and researching natural skin care product for many years. Visit her website for information on the best anti aging products she has researched and recommends.

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Oral Health Care Tips - How To Take Care Of Your Mouth

By Katie Johnson

Maintaining good oral hygiene and dental care has several benefits discussed below. Successful mouth care not only means use of quality cleaning products but it also means spending time using the right methods recommended for the care of your teeth or mouth.

Generally, good health is as important as cleanliness for maintaining a healthy mouth and teeth. The relationship is well established between good teeth and a diet with enough calcium, phosphorous and Vitamin D which is necessary for the body to make use of these minerals. A good digestive process and sustatory pleasure are enhanced when the mouth and teeth are in good condition. These together with the tongue begin digestion and play very important roles by breaking up food particles and mixing with saliva which is also an important mechanical cleaner of the mouth.

Dental carries is a very common teeth problem. This comes about due to failure to remove plaque which is destructive bacterial film that builds up on the teeth and with the passage of time leads to the destructive of tooth enamel. A good plaque fighting program means eliminating of sweet snacks such as soft drinks, candy, gum, jams, and jellies between meals, thorough cleansing and regular dental check ups. Also, use of antiplaque fluoride toothpastes, mouth rinses, and flossing help prevent dental caries.

Another problem is gingivitis disease, which is an inflammation of the gingival the tissue that surrounds the teeth. Pyorrhea or periodontal disease also is an inflammation of the gums including bleeding gums, swollen, red, painful, gum tissues, receding gum lines with formation of pockets between teeth and gums pus that appears when gums are pressed and loose teeth. This eventually leads to tartar which attacks bone tissue and causes teeth to loosen and fall out.

Strong odor called halitosis or a persistent bad taste may be a first indication of periodental disease. The best solution is regular treatment by a dentist. Finally remember to see the dentist immediately when you notice white or red patches, persistent sores, swelling, bleeding, numbness or pain in the mouth. Cleaning teeth every time after eating and drinking plenty of water regularly can go a long way towards helping you to maintain healthy teeth and general oral hygiene.

Do you suffer from Halitosis (Bad Breath), Gum Disease or other dental problems. Go to for help and information on cures and treatment. You can also visit for help with teeth grinding problems.

Copyright © Katie Johnson.

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Leukemia - The "White Blood" Disease

By Richard Ealom


Leukemia or leukaemia meaning white blood (Greek leukos, "white"; aima, "blood") is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow and is characterized by an abnormal growth of blood cells, usually white blood cells (leukocytes)and is split into its acute and chronic forms. It can affect the digestive tract, kidneys, lungs, or other parts of the body and can also collect in the testicles causing swelling. Leukemia is one of the most common cancers of children, But isn't just a children's disease, as many think. It is newly diagnosed in about 29,000 adults and 2000 children each year in the United States and has four main types and many sub-types of which only some of them are common among children. Leukemia that has spread to the brain may produce central nervous system effects, such as headaches, seizures, weakness, blurred vision, balance difficulties, or vomiting and the disease, or the chemotherapy used to treat it, can cause anemia.

Acute Leukemia

Acute leukemia is characterized by the rapid increase of immature blood cells, and is a potentially curable disease; However only a small number of patients are cured with current therapy. It begins with one or a few white blood cells that have a lost or damaged DNA sequence and gets worse very fast and may make you feel sick right away. It tends to develop suddenly, whereas some chronic varieties may exist for years before they are even diagnosed. Immediate treatment is required due to the rapid progression and accumulation of the malignant cells, which then spill over into the bloodstream and spread to other organs of the body. Whereas acute leukemia must be treated immediately, chronic forms are sometimes monitored for some time before treatment to ensure maximum effectiveness of therapy.

Chronic Leukemia

Chronic leukemia is distinguished by the excessive build up of relatively mature, but still abnormal, blood cells and often goes undetected for many years until it is identified in a routine blood test. It is more common between ages 40 and 70 and is rare among young people. It tends to gets worse slowly and may not cause symptoms for years. Like many other cancers, it is a disease of old age. Doctors often find chronic leukemia during a routine checkup, before there are any noticeable symptoms. In adults, the acute forms occur in those of all ages, whereas the chronic varieties tend to occur in people older than 40 years. Although slow-growing chronic leukemia may also be seen in children, it is very rare, accounting for fewer than 50 cases in children each year in the United States.


Treatment of leukemia is complex and it depends on your age and health, the type and how far it has spread. Treatment is generally considered necessary when the patient shows signs and symptoms such as low blood cell counts. In general, ALL treatment is divided into several phases. In children, an intensive 6-month treatment program is needed after induction, followed by 2 years of maintenance chemotherapy. For children with low-risk, standard therapy usually consists of three drugs (prednisone, L-asparaginase, and vincristine) for the first month of treatment. High-risk patients receive higher drug doses plus treatment with extra chemotherapeutic agents. Follow-up therapy for ALL patients usually consists of: supportive care, such as intravenous nutrition and treatment with oral antibiotics.

In general, the indications for treatment are: falling hemoglobin or platelet count, progression to a later stage of disease, painful, disease-related overgrowth of lymph nodes or spleen, lymphocyte doubling time (an indicator of lymphocyte reproduction) of fewer than 12 months. Overall, the strategy is to control bone marrow and systemic (whole-body) disease while offering specific treatment for the central nervous system (CNS), if necessary. Consolidation or "maintenance" treatments may be given to prevent disease recurrence once remission has been achieved. Whatever the plan, it is important for the patient to understand the treatment that is being given and the reasons behind the choice.


Leukemia is a cancer of blood-forming cells in the bone marrow. These cells crowd out other types of blood cells produced by the bone marrow, including red blood cells, which carry oxygen to tissues throughout your body, and platelets, which help form blood clots. Leukemia cells can spread to the lymph nodes or other organs causing swelling and/or pain and can also collect in the kidney, liver and spleen, causing enlargement of these organs. They also can affect the lungs and other parts of the body. Acute forms can occur in children and young adults. Chronic forms mostly occurs in older people, but can theoretically occur in any age group.

There is no single known cause for all of the different types of leukemia. Studies have linked exposure to petrochemicals, such as benzene, and hair dyes to the development of some forms. Viruses have been linked to other forms. Until the cause or causes are found, there is no known way to prevent the occurrence of the disease. As of 1998, it is estimated that each year, approximately 30,800 individuals will be diagnosed with the disease in the United States and 21,700 individuals will die of the disease.

Richard H. Ealom is the Author of this article and the creator of "Free Articles On Diseases: How To Prevent and Cure Them". Need more information Please visit our website @ or

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5 Natural Ways To Cure High Blood Pressure

By Mathew Thompson

High blood pressure is one of the major diseases in the USA today. There are more obese people in America than they were two decades ago. Americans are seized of the issue and they know that something tangible needs to be done to check the blood pressure menace.

As a result, a plenty of over the counter medications and injections for treating high blood pressure are available today. But then many are their side effects as well. There are instances when the remedy has become worst than the disease. So what precisely can be done to cure your blood pressure problem? Well, nature’s grace can be highly used to cure blood pressure disorders. Take note of some points.

1. In this context, red grapefruits are supposed to be the best to check and finally cure high blood pressure. If red grapefruits are not available, grapefruits are the second choice. Avoid tinned grapefruit as it is to be treated as junk food.

2. Start a regular exercise schedule, and within a short period, you will wonder where your high blood pressure has gone. Yes, it is that simple. Only you are making the issue more and more complicated, by your wrong living.

3. Apart from the physical exercises, if you chalk out a program for you breathing exercises and meditation, your will not only solve your blood pressure problems, you will be in a position to advise others about taking care of the blood pressure problem, once and for all. The reformed you, will be the reformer.

4. Research confirms that sodium and salt are out to increase your blood pressure. Cut the intake, to the extent you can. This step will create a lot of difference.

5. Exercise and meditate! The astounding growth of Yoga teaching centers in USA reflects that the right message regarding the immense benefits of physical exercises has percolated through the American society. Yoga is definitely going to cure your blood pressure and other body ailments.

To get more information on blood pressure, high blood pressure and blood pressure and your health visit

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How to Care for Someone With AIDS at Home

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a set of symptoms and infections resulting from the damage to the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This condition progressively reduces the effectiveness of the immune system and leaves individuals susceptible to opportunistic infections and tumors.

Caring for someone with AIDS at home can prove to be a challenge to anyone. However, if you follow the steps contained in this how-to article, you should find it easier to care for someone diagnosed with AIDS.
1. ) First, read this how-to.
The information in this how-to is for both people with diagnosed AIDS and people with HIV infection who are sick and need care.

2.) Take a home care course, if possible.
Learn the skills you need to take care of someone at home and how to manage special situations.
Your local Red Cross chapter, Visiting Nurses Association, State health department, or HIV/AIDS service organization can help you find a home care course.

3.) Talk with the person you will be caring for.
Ask them what they need. If you are nervous about caring for them, say so. #* Ask if it is OK for you to talk to their doctor, nurse, social worker, case manager, other health care professional, or lawyer when you need to. Together you can work out what is best for both of you.

4.) Talk with the doctor, nurse, social worker, case manager, and other health care workers who are also providing care.
They may need the patient's permission, sometimes in writing, to talk to you, but you need to talk to these people to find out how you can help.
Work with them and the person you are caring for to develop a plan for who does what.

5.) Talk to a lawyer or AIDS support organization.
For some medical care or life support decisions, you may need to be legally named as the care coordinator.
If you are going to help file insurance claims, apply for government aid, pay bills, or handle other business for the person with AIDS, you may also need a power of attorney.
There are many sources of help for people with AIDS, and you can help the person with AIDS get what they are entitled to.

6.) Think about joining a support group or talking to a counselor. Taking care of someone who is sick can be hard emotionally as well as physically.
Talking about it with people with the same kind of worries helps sometimes. You can learn how other people cope and realize that you are not alone.

7.) Take care of yourself.< You can't take care of someone else if you are sick or upset. Get the rest and exercise you need to keep going. You also need to do some things you enjoy, such as visit your friends and relatives. Many AIDS service organizations can help with "respite care" and send someone to be with the person you're caring for while you get out of the house for awhile.

- Get clear, written information about medicines and other care you'll give.
- Ask what each drug does and what side effects to look out for. Ask the doctor or nurse what changes in the person's health or behavior to watch for. For example, a cough, fever, diarrhea, or confusion may mean an infection or problem that needs a new medicine or even putting the person in the hospital.
- You also need to know whom to call for help or information and when to call them. Make a list of doctors, nurses, and other people you might need to talk to quickly, their phone numbers, and when they are available. Keep this list by the phone.

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Care for Someone With AIDS at Home. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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